Our mission is to provide comprehensive and streamlined support that equips and empowers youth with the confidence, knowledge, and integrity to be benefactors of the society they live in, for their growth and self-sufficiency.
Terrance "Tuck" Tucker
Contrary to popular belief, true progress should not be measured by the number of points scored or trophies won. Instead, its measure should come from the perseverance and grit that one uses to dismantle the odds against them, and fight on when others cannot see the warrior within them. For Terrance “Tuck” Tucker, evening out the odds was more than a mission for himself, but for boys ages 9-19, he would one day commit to serving for the rest of his life.
Reared in Columbia, SC, Terrance grew up in the heart of an area that many would call, “the rough side of the city”. Always knowing that he and the youth from his neighborhood were more than a bad reflection of the zip code they lived in, he vowed early on to change the narrative. Growing up with a natural niche for athletics, Terrance breezed through his grade school years as an athlete, and later a quarterback for his high school. Like many young men charmed by sports and enjoying their youth, academics for Terrance took precedence over areas of his education. Unbeknownst to many, he was struggling in school and had a speech impediment that he hid. Even when he grew out of his insecurities and became more vocal, “coolness” allowed his weak areas to go unnoticed and ultimately underserved.